Cancer charities Bowel Cancer UK and Beating Bowel Cancer have today announced that they are merging to create the UK’s leading bowel cancer charity.

The merger legally went through in January 2018 with plans to rebrand early in the year. Deborah Alsina MBE, CEO of Bowel Cancer UK was at the time set to continue in her role and lead the new merger.

The two organisations have worked hard individually to achieve change and support those affected by bowel cancer but decided to join forces to drive forward their ambition to ensure nobody dies of this disease by 2050.

The charities have identified four key areas to work on to help them realise their big vision.


Bowel Cancer UK and Beating Bowel Cancer will fund research in areas that were identified through the Critical Gaps in Bowel Cancer research initiative.

Patient Services:

Both charities will continue to support and advise patients with a range of services so that they can make the best choices for them in terms of bowel cancer treatment.


Continuing work to improve awareness of bowel cancer and break the taboo of having a bowel disease and make sure this cancer doesn’t remain hidden through education and training programmes.

Policy and campaigns:

Campaigning to engage with the public will still remain a big focus for this new charity to raise awareness and create a positive change for those with bowel cancer.

As ever, the newly merged charity still needs your support and you can help raise awareness of the second biggest cancer killer on social media.

Follow Bowel Cancer UK for updates:

Twitter:  @bowelcanceruk

Facebook: /bowelcanceruk

To find out more about this important area of healthcare, visit Bowel Cancer UK 

Further Information

If you or someone you know is concerned about symptoms, or has been affected by Bowel Cancer, you can find out more on our website. See more about Symptoms and what to look out for, as well as Treatments available.

You can also find out much from annual campaigns, such as Bowel Cancer Awareness Month which takes place in April each year, and World Cancer day on 4th February.

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