We are working hard to ensure a continued high level of service for you across all of our information, products and services. Bladder and Bowel Community Services during lockdown are vital, we know how much you rely on them each and every day. Our teams are continuously innovating to bring you new and exciting ways to find the support you need and help you stay connected during this difficult time.

We’re a community that’s here because of you, as well as for you.

Here are our top 4 ways we can help you to stay healthy during Lockdown 2021. Most importantly, we wish you the best of health during this time.

Please follow Government Guidance on how to stay safe.

Join the Bladder & Bowel Support Group

Our Closed Facebook Group is run by moderators who are there to ensure security of all involved. The group has over 15,000 members, all with experience in different conditions affecting the bladder or bowel.

If you find strength in numbers, JOIN TODAY!

Home Delivery One Stop Shop

Our team is working tirelessly to ensure our community get vital products and medications. If you’re at high risk and self-isolating, we can provide all your product prescriptions and medications in one go, and contactless to reduce any risk.

Talk to an advisor for more info. Click HERE.

Remote Continence Advice

Our Continence Advice Service is still operating as usual, to ensure your health needs are met.  Ask your question discreetly and securely online via our website, and receive your answer within 2 working days.

Ask your question TODAY!

Join us on Instagram

We are committed to finding new ways to avoid isolation. Join the conversation on Instagram!  Share your thoughts and connect with like minded community members.

Tag us in your Instagram pictures using @bladderandbowel with quotes, stories or images that make you smile. And know you are #NotAlone.

Stay Connected

We hope that our community might just help you stay a little more connected during lockdown. It’s a difficult time for all, whether you are front line NHS staff, essential key workers, directly affected by Coronavirus (or know someone who is), shielding or feeling cut off from the world.

Where to get help

As with any ailment whether physical or mental, the first port of call should be your GP as they will be able to refer you for the right help. For more immediate help, there are helplines where you can speak to trained advisors about your mental health.

  • Mind charity supports better mental health. Infoline: 0300 123 3393
  • British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) has a directory of where you can access local counsellors and psychotherapists
  • Spokz People provide therapeutic support for disabled people
  • You can access your urgent local 24 hour NHS mental health helpline by following the prompts of this online form
  • Samaritans – if you’re struggling with feelings of despair or don’t know where to turn, contact the Samaritans 116 123 (24h helpline)
  • IESO – Online CBT therapy via the NHS in order to beat depression or anxiety.

You can always contact us for questions on any of the above services should you need. Just email us at [email protected]

Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.

– Bladder & Bowel Community Team

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